What is Ocular Migraine

Many times we hear people complaining that they are suffering from migraine but not all of them are suffering from it. People often confuse headaches with migraine. Every time you have headache, it cannot be called as migraine, as headache is just one of the symptoms of migraine.

To understand this better w have to understand what is meant by migraine. When the headache is followed by other symptoms like nausea or vomiting and if you become very sensitive to harsh light and loud sound then it can be called as migraine. There are many types of migraine; we are going to talk about one of them which is called as Ocular Migraine.

retinal migraine

It is just a type of migraine in which there in one important symptom is added to the other common symptoms of migraine. Ocular Migraine means when there is some kind of visual disturbance which you can feel in one eye. Those visual disturbances cause people to worry about this type of migraine more as they are connected with eyes.

There is no need to panic as they are quite simple and harmless and they are gone within 15 minutes to half hour. It is also called as retinal migraine as it involves the retinal nerves. When you are suffering from this type of migraine, sometimes there is double vision that you may see everything in double, or there may be some distortion of images which you are seeing or there may be loss of vision for some time, but you have to understand that these things are not long lasting and not at all dangerous for your eyes.

what triggers it

They are very much temporary in nature and your eyesight will be back to normal within half hour. You may suffer from headache while these symptoms are there or after these are gone. There is a possibility that there will be no headache at all, just the visual problems you faced.

You have to understand a few things about Ocular Migraine to be able to control it better. Once you start having these migraines they may repeatedly appear or they may not. They may appear after every particular period forming a regular pattern or not. You cannot predict when you are going to suffer from it and what triggers it.

Is a dangerous disease?

What you can do is to change your life style so that you may prevent it up to some extent. You can only control it but cannot cure it completely or make it go away. There is no need to be worried and no use of being panicked. It will not help in trying to control this but the additional stress may bring it back.

So what you can do is try some techniques or methods for relaxation of mind like meditation or something like that which will relieve your mind from additional stress. This may actually help in keeping these migraines at bay, at least for some time. These migraine are not any dangerous disease, they are a result of some chemical reaction in the blood vessels near your eyes.

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