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buddha pictures and wallpapers

Although there are many legends, it was agreed that a religious leader known as Siddhartha Gautama. He lived in a time of cultural change in which traditional religious procedures were attacking India. He was one of the reformers who gave a fresh impetus in the religious sphere dharmic that spread beyond the borders of India and ended up becoming one of the great world religions, Buddhism.


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picture of buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, also called Sakyamuni was an important religious Nepali considered the last historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism


Buddha It is a sacred religious figure for two of the religions with the largest number of followers, Buddhism (he founded the first Buddhist dharma "great light") and Hinduism (which is considered as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, in according to Garuda purana and the twenty-first and penultimate according to the Bhagavata Purana to the eleventh century AD.).

wallpaper of buddha
wallpaper of buddha